March 31, 2025

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How to put a Yamaha R1 engine in a Toyota Scion IQ

Finnaly got delivery of a Power commander V  and started installing it in the IQ,

this should help me get the most out of the R1.

I had plenty of room and made a nice bracket that I mounted to the top of the IQ fuse box.

In order to upload different maps the unit needs to accessible to plug the USB cable in and run the software


I should now be able to tune the R1 engine to match the custom made exhaust, I have a few maps I downloaded to try out.

In the future I can also add a quick shifter that will allow  me to upshift without letting off the gas. 

When it is hooked up to a laptop here is a view the configuration screen.

Image result for power commander software

from the company website:
The Power Commander V Part number:22-054

The New Power Commander V is loaded with tons of new features. Below you will find some Power Commander V features.

USB powered from computer (9 volt adapter is no longer needed for programming)
2 position map switching function built in (map switch not included)
Gear input (allows for map adjustment based on gear and speed)
Analog input (allows user to install any 0-5 volt sensor and build an adjustment table based on its input such as boost or temperature)
With gear position input connected the PCV is capable of allowing each cylinder to be mapped individually and for each gear (for example: on a 4 cylinder bike with a six speed transmission there could be up to 24 separate fuel tables).
Unit has a -100/+250% fuel change range (up from -100/+100%). This allows more adjustment range for 8 injector sportbikes
10 throttle position columns (up from 9 on PCIIIusb)
Enhanced “accel pump” utility (increased adjustment and sensitivity ranges)
Power Commander V w/ Built in Ignition Control

More to come once I get it configured.