March 7, 2025

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How to put a Yamaha R1 engine in a Toyota Scion IQ
How to fit it all to fit under the hood.

The Yamaha R1 engine has a total of 8 injectors.

4 of them are located in the main throttle bodies and the other 4 are fitted into the top of the plastic airbox.

The R1 airbox is really big, So big that it will not all fit under the hood of the IQ.

Without the secondary injectors the R1 will not run properly. 


The 2012 R1 Airbox and throttle bodies with injectors.

Including the wiring and servos for the "fly by wire" throttle.

Ditching the Airbox.

I removed the 4 secondary injectors from the large Plastic Airbox along with the fuel rail and wiring.

The R1 Airbox was simply too large and was not an easy option to modify, so it went in the trash.

Using just the upper 4 injectors from the part shown here I had to figure a way to make it all fit so the whole injector system would fit under the hood..


Just the upper 4 secondary injectors, the wiring loom and the fuel rail assembly remains.

These are now are the only parts left to work with.

Stripped down to the bare essentials.

Stripping down the sub assembly even further and trashing the last plastic piece that is not needed, the injector housing

Only the injectors,rail and harness will be used, plus the screws...

Looking at the parts like this makes it a lot easier to figure out a way to fabricate a new intake that will fit in the space I have.

Primary injectors and throttle bodies.

The primary injectors were in good shape, I did strip them down after all the fabrication was completed and cleaned every thing out.

This is Yamaha "Fly by Wire" technology.

Basically when the throttle cable is physically operated the sensors inside the throttle assembly relay a message from the rest of the telemetry of sensors and "take over" the control of the throttle via small servo motors attached to the body.

This is how the traction control system works and also the 3 "Engine modes" that can be selected work.

The Primary Injectors.

The Solution.

